Dear Catholic Exchange:
I read with interest the e-mail question posed from a “Beth”. In this e-mail she had come to believe, after she had one, that a tubal ligation is a sin. I am of the protestant faith and am currently pregnant with our fifth child. We miscarried our first baby so this will be our fourth living child. As of now, we are planning on having a tubal ligation after this delivery by c-section. I do believe that Christ is the author of life. We know each of our children are a gift from him. Please tell my why you believe tubal ligations are a sin. Also, where in the protestant bible can this be explained. Thank you for considering my question. I truly would appreciate a response.
Dear Friend in Christ,
First, I would like to provide you with links to two of our Faith Facts: Choose Life, That You and Your Children May Live: The Truth About Birth Control and Marriage in God's Plan – Discovering the Power of Marital Love. Please note the Scriptural references contained in the Faith Facts.
These articles aim to express the meaning and purpose of marriage and God’s will for married couples. In short, God’s plan for marriage has two ends: the salvation of the spouses and the procreation and education of children.
The Church recognizes that marital intercourse is a gift from the Creator, ordered to these two ends. Further, marital intercourse has two aspects that are inseparable. The first is the unitive aspect which involves each spouse’s total gift of self to the other and which deepens the bond that unites the two spouses (cf. Gen. 2:24). The second is the procreative aspect which involves the begetting of children and an openness to participating in the creation of new life (cf. Gen. 128).
Any act that would intentionally contradict God’s plan for marriage is what the Catholic Church deems immoral. Contraception and direct sterilization (by such means as tubal ligation) for contraceptive purposes separate the two aspects of marital intercourse, and therefore contradict the purpose of marriage as intended by God.
I hope this response adequately answers your question.
United in the Faith,
Kathleen Rohan
Information Specialist
Catholics United for the Faith
827 North Fourth Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)
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