Hebrews 10:36
For you have need of endurance, so that you may do the will of God and receive what is promised.
Yesterday we discussed the fact that the Christian life entails the promise of power to do good and to overcome sin through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Today we are reminded that this grace really and truly cooperates with us and that we are “co-laborers” with Christ. This means that when we suffer, work, or bleed for the kingdom of God is truly we who are suffering, working, and bleeding. And this means we must exhibit some sheer grit and endurance to see it through to the end. But what we need not (and, indeed, cannot) do is exhibit that grit on our own steam. We must continually ask God to help us endure what must be endured so that, in the end, we can receive the crown and blessing that always accompany the cross of Christ. So ask for his grace. He promises you will receive it — and himself in eternal joy besides.