by Jonathan Hunter-Kilmer
impaled with sting
of lanced gut tensed
by Love and sing
of blade and fingers
strumming veins
to set wild passions
hope and flame
away from apathy to tear
the lidless eyes that will not care
removed from sorrow
empty stare
and beg for hurt to know they're there
to horror know is best that naught
for humanness has been forgot
You hanged stuck fast upon that board
so I would be a spirit soared
with pain to grow my wings and spread
extend approach the wounded head
pierced, blessed by thorn that bit Your skin
and opened Heaven, bled out sin
and made me care, not simply fear
some harm
for love trembles when near
its one desire
Your giving heart
for hands once greedy come apart
and offer back
my bleeding own
Beloved, receive the soul You've grown