I'm off on a trip tomorrow, traveling to Chicago to witness the Baptism of my youngest nephew, Tyler. I will make the trip solo, leaving husband and sons at home with a list of activities and provisions to last until next Wednesday when I return home.
I actually savor airline travel for the opportunity it gives me to get caught up on loose ends. I normally bring along interviews needing completion, book review notes and other design projects that require quiet and concentration. I'm one of those travelers who conscientiously arrive at the airport two hours early, so I usually have a good chunk of time to finish up a few projects.
During one of my most recent trips, I found myself in Midway airport in Chicago for several hours. Having exhausted my laptop battery, I got in a good long walk and eventually wandered upon the Airport Chapel. The half hour I spent praying the Rosary in the solitude of that small enclave was actually one of the highlights of my trip.
I now try to check my itinerary in advance to see if any of my stopovers may have a chapel where I can visit. To check out locations of airport chapels worldwide, visit the website of the International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplains.