Translations of the Bible

Dear Catholic Exchange:

Is it OK to read the Jerusalem Bible? I know that it is Catholic, but I was wondering what you think?

Mary Smith

Dear Mary,

Peace in Christ!

We do recommend the Jerusalem Bible, along with the New American Bible and the Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition (note: not the new versions of these translations).

With regard to translations of the Bible, it would be impossible to say that there is one in particular that is the “best” or “most authentic.” While some translations are better than others, no single translation can capture all that the original languages convey. What can be said is that it is important to select a translation that is both faithful and helps a person learn Scripture. For example, some translations are better for devotional reading, while others might be better for study. For serious study of the Scripture, it is most advisable to use several translations in order to compare passages and obtain the fullest sense of the passage itself. Most importantly, Scripture must be read in the light of faith, which means “within ‘the living Tradition of the whole Church’” (Catechism, no. 113).

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United in the Faith,

Amy Barragree

Information Specialist

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