Homily of the Day

Thursday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Herod was the governor of the land. He had power and resources. He was “the authority” and had the wisdom to rule his people. And yet the wisdom of this world that was Herod’s was confounded by the simple reality of Jesus’ healing presence and his teachings. “He did not know what to think… I had John beheaded… Who is this man…” He lost his wisdom when confronted with the wonders or the miracles Jesus had done.

In our world today, there are still some miracles, great and small, happening now and then. If we are attuned to the movement of the Spirit in us, in others and in the world, we see these miracles, accept them and perceive God’s action in them because of the Spirit in us. However, if God is not in us, and we act as if we are responsible for everything and anything, then we can be like Herod, confounded by simple yet divine realities. We could not believe this or that would be God’s miracle. It may be just the fact that we can get up in the morning to live another day, or that we have been saved from a near catastrophic event like a plane crash or car accident, or that bitter enemies have reconciled, or the reality that the bread and wine have become the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ at Mass.

Let us pray for one another and ask the Lord to make us sensitive to His presence in the different events in our life and in the world. We know that He is with us always, but are we conscious of that? If we are, then, we would never be offending one another, and always be grateful to God for His presence.