Homily of the Day

Thursday of the Third Week of Lent

In the first reading Yahweh reminds Israel to listen to him and to obey his commands, and all will be well with them. But, instead, they turned away from him and refused to follow his commands.

In the Gospel reading Jesus restores speech to a mute man, driving out the demon which made him mute. His enemies among the leader of the Jews claim he drove out the demon by the power of Beelzebub. Jesus shows them clearly he did not do wonders by the power of Beelzebub but the finger of God and that “the kingdom of God had come upon them.”

God’s power is clearly stronger than that of Beelzebub and his evil forces.

Have I experienced the saving power of God in my life? What makes it difficult for me to see God’s finger in my life? Have I been obedient to God’s ways and commands? Have I become mute in speaking and spreading God’s truth?