Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Paul as a missionary appears before the Sanhedrin to answer their accusation. The Pharisees believe in the resurrection, while the Sadducees don’t. Since the Sanhedrin is composed of Pharisees and Sadducees, Paul states that he was brought before them because of his belief in the resurrection of the dead. A verbal uproar becomes violent between the nonbelievers. The commander has to rescue Paul from the crowd, otherwise they might finish him. Let’s imagine ourselves as members of the Sanhedrin. How would we have reacted with the statement of Paul regarding the resurrection of the dead?

In today’s Gospel Jesus prays: “I pray not only for these but for those who through their word will believe in me. May they also be one as you Father are in me and I am in you. May they be one in us so the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Among the four evangelists, only St. John presents the sacerdotal prayer of Jesus. Can we feel the closeness of Jesus to us as we read and discern these Scripture passages? Can we then pray the prayer of Jesus? As missionaries of Jesus, can we be sent by the Father and experience the same unity with God?

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