Homily of the Day

Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

In the first reading, after the Israelites put the Ark of the Covenant inside the Tent of Meeting, the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. This was an indication of the presence of God inside the Tent so the Israelites would stop their journey and wait until the cloud would leave the Tent before resuming their journey in the desert.

This is an indication of the need of every man to learn to contemplate and recognize the workings of God in his life. When we experience a spark of the divine in our daily life situations, we are automatically filled with awe and spend some time contemplating God’s action and presence. It is important to recognize the workings of God because he is always waiting to manifest himself to us.

Oftentimes God wants us to simply know him, love him and serve him. How can we serve him? We can serve him in other men, especially in those who most need our help. We are called to be light to those who are lost, consolation to the sorrowful, hope for those in despair, protector of the oppressed, friend of the poor and a prophet to the wayward.

The Gospel reading is another short parable on how all type of people, good and bad, are allowed to live together just as fishermen catch good and “bad” fish and other sea debris in their fishing nets. It is only at the end that they will be sorted out and the good rewarded and the bad punished.