Though Weak, He Made Them Powerful!

Heb 11:32-40 / Mk 5:1-20

The full catalogue of human weaknesses is almost too long to imagine.  Physical weaknesses afflict us all sooner or later, whether those of infantile weakness or those of precarious old age.  Mental weaknesses are part of our lives as well.  At first we don’t know because we’re too young, and later we don’t know because we forgot.  And of course there are the moral weaknesses, the lapses into passion, the lusts after wealth and power, the jealousies, the intrigues, the hates, the fears.  What a species we are — weakness and folly stapled together in an eternal embrace!

But there’s more to us than that, and the One Who made us sees it, reaches out to what’s best in us, and makes it strong.  St Paul knew that well from personal experience, and he reaffirms it boldly in today’s epistle.  In reference to the Jewish heroes who went before him, he said, “Though weak, they were made powerful.”  And in his own heart, he knew it was true of himself as well.

It can be true for all of us if we will open ourselves to God’s grace.  He has no illusions about us.  He knows our weakness, but He has another larger vision for us.  Let Him show you His vision of your future; let Him lead you into a new place.