This Isn’t a Dress Rehearsal

Is 26:1-6 / Mt 7:21,24-27

What do you put your trust in? That question can have as many answers, both honest and phony, as there are people. You can imagine the cowpoke in the western movie answering, “I put my trust in this little ole six-gun here.” Or perhaps you might think of the athlete flexing his muscles in response, or the race car driver patting his car in reply, or the banker eyeing his checkbook serenely. The good thing about those responses is that they’re probably all honest. The bad thing about them is that they’re entirely inadequate.

Far too often we treat life as if it were just a dress rehearsal and not the real thing, as if there were an infinite number of days still ahead of us, and we needn’t get serious. Well, of course, that isn’t true. Our days are numbered, this is the real and only chance at a life that we’re going to get, and we’d better decide who and what we can really count on in the long term.

Isaiah gives us the right answer in today’s reading. “Trust in the Lord forever!” he says. “For the Lord is an eternal rock.” Well said: As solid and enduring as an eternal rock, and as gentle as a kindly father. What more could we ask?

Trust him. He’ll never let you down!