There is a Lover

by Pavel Chichikov

There is a Lover, love, whom all must know

He is to summer heat the winter snow

He is to winter hill the summer sun

The leaves of many groves but He is One

He is all opposites and all the same

He joins them all by naming them one name

'I gaze all ways at once' is what he says

'In all directions from all compasses

'And yet I know true north on every star

That spinning on an axis blazes far,

A point of light and yet refulgence spreads

To where each lover with each lover weds

'I am the marriage and the lonely child

I am the tame, I am the forest wild,

I am the lost, I am the wilderness

I am the home and every gentleness'

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may also visit Pavel's website at Grey Owl Press.)

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