by Pavel Chichikov
Suddenly the whole world stopped –
The rain infected in its drops
Poised above the river – snow
Blown to ridges would not flow
Branches bending failed to spring
Birds that clawed them could not sing,
Waves and heartbeats would not pound
Nor even lungs contract, expand,
Eyelids close or judges' breath
Utter judgment, life or death,
Conscious thought or dream or vision
Convey to souls the Lord's decision
All was frozen – truth apart
Inspected every work of art –
That which lives and that which never
Lives – she probed them all together
All were still the while as she
Verified reality –
'Except this one for which You died
All are honest, this one lies
'Praise Your clever cuckoo robber
Egg exchanging, nestling fobber,
Insects mimicking the leaves –
But these alone can self deceive'
(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may also visit Pavel's website at Grey Owl Press.)