The Stride

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at

by Pavel Chichikov

A great room spanned a cosmos long

All creatures in their being-hood

Praised Jesus throned, both God and Man –

Toward the back of it I stood

Among the congregation and their song,

Their shapes, their many prayers, their tongues

Their music harmonized to one

Meeting harmony, one over-curving tone

I stood apart in grieving till I cried

‘I have been overcome by death'

And though the universe had fit inside

That hall He heard my voice, my veritable breath

The Love who sat before us said:

‘I hear distress and terror call –

Come forward and be comforted

I know the one as I know all

‘Come forward as you please

Within the masses of My souls –

You will pass by a billion centuries

Between your starting place and goal

‘And still have pavement left to cross'

‘Then how to reach You, precious King,

I am bitter-weak and lack true being'

‘Come forward soul and be not lost

‘For I have made a sweet elide

Surpassing even your mortality –

Love abreviates eternity

And makes death fit inside your stride'

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