Julia Zahra
Information Specialist
Catholics United for the Faith
827 North Fourth Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)
Editor's Note: To submit a faith question to Catholic Exchange, email faithquestions@catholicexchange.com. Please note that all email submitted to Catholic Exchange becomes the property of Catholic Exchange and may be published in this space. Published letters may be edited for length and clarity. Names and cities of letter writers may also be published. Email addresses of viewers will not normally be published.
Dear Catholic Exchange:
During a visit to our son-in-law, a non-denominational minister, during Christmas, he brought up a topic that we were unable to counter.
His comment was, “How could Mary be born sinless, as proclaimed by the Catholic Church, if Jesus was the only sinless person sent to earth to assume all mankind's sins?”
Yours in Christ.
Doug & Phyllis
Dear Doug and Phyllis,
Peace in Christ!
Your son-in-law’s question is a very common one. The Catholic Church does not teach that Mary was sinless in order to assume mankind’s sin. We do believe that Mary was conceived free from original sin and remained sinless throughout her life. Mary received this grace though the merits of her Son, Jesus. This belief is known as the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
Our Faith Fact Mary Conceived Without Sin – The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception is a complete explanation of this topic. It addresses the Biblical foundation of this belief and answers some common objections.
United in the Faith,