The Shoulder of the Sun Part Sixteen

By Pavel Chichikov

‘A flower's in your coat' observed the smith.

We both had finished jumping at the crack

And dazzle of the detonating nail

He'd spat against the floor. ‘I'll give you back

A treasure for the flower on your coat –

It's yours, I guess, a real one, not a fake?'

Robin stood away and touched the bloom.

‘Salamander gold – a fire drake?'

The smith went on, while peering at the bloom.

He turned and clutched a rope above a fire

Pulled and pulled again and soon a blaze

Ignited in a furnace then leapt higher

He rummaged in his coat, removed some dust

Threw it in the flame and pulled some more –

The red and yellow changed, became a rust

Then white and black – the fire lost its color

Heat increased, we hurried to withdraw

Against the wall of hay, we were afraid

The straw itself would smoke and then ignite –

‘Relax,' he said, ‘we'll look, and then we'll trade'

He thrust his sooty hand inside the flames

Then held it out – the palm unsmutted still –

A beast I'd never seen before lay there

Grey and smoking from the crucible

He knocked the ash away, revealing black,

And then along the sides of it we saw

Blossoms as if made with golden lac

Or powdered gold had sprayed out from a straw

‘That's for you my boy'. He held it out

So Robin could inspect the artful beast.

‘A magic salamander for a pet –

It's worth a little flower, at the least.'

The salamander twisted in the air

But Robin backed away and shook his head –

‘I have to find my sister, now or never –

Your salamander's handsome, but too clever.'

The Shoulder of the Sun Part Seventeen will be featured tomorrow.

Photo: Pavel Chichikov

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