The Root

by Pavel Chichikov

The orange root might be persimmon

But mulberry is much more common

It cuts the garden underneath

In two and has an orange sheath

Tough, resilient, back it springs

The tempered blades of shovels sing

It is a root that travels long

Beyond the fence, and still beyond

Where the branch, and where the bole

To join the root and make it whole?

Find the place Elijah prayed

Underneath, though not in shade

For it will spread and then protect

The flesh, the soul, the intellect

And it will light instead of hide

Love and hate, forbearing, pride

A root of light, a tree forever

No axe no edge no blade may sever

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may also visit Pavel's website at Grey Owl Press.)

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