The Psalms Distilled into Don Dolindo’s Love Prayer

Behold, beloved souls, how Don Dolindo shows us the Book of Psalms culminating in one grand symphony of love! As he concludes his meditation on these divine songs, his heart burns to gather their essence into a single voice of praise, weaving together the most tender expressions of love scattered throughout all 150 Psalms.

Like a bouquet of the sweetest flowers gathered from a vast garden, or like precious drops of heavenly dew collected into one chalice of devotion, Don Dolindo has united these inspired verses into one continuous song of the heart. Each line echoes the original Psalms, yet flows together as one unbroken stream of love toward our Lord. See how the Holy Spirit, who first breathed these words through David and the other psalmists, allowed Don Dolindo to reshape them into a single cry of the soul!

This prayer follows the movement of the Psalms themselves—from praise to lamentation, from trust to supplication, from the depths of desolation to the heights of spiritual joy—always returning to that central refrain: “I love You, O my God!” Let this prayer that Don Dolindo composed rise like incense before the throne of the Most High, carrying with it all the love contained in the Psalter, now distilled into one pure offering of the heart.

Don Dolindo Unites 150 Psalms into 1 Prayer

“I love You, O my God, and I delight only in You, I follow only Your Law (Psalm 1). I love You, O my Redeemer, Eternal Son of God, and I desire only to live under Your royal scepter (2). I love You and trust in You, for You are my shield and my salvation (3). When I call upon You, answer me (4), hear my words and deliver me (5), do not rebuke me in Your justice and save me for Your mercy (6), deliver me from those who persecute my soul, for in You I trust (7). I love You, O my God, for Your Name is admirable (8); I praise You with all my heart for You have saved me from the snares of my enemies (9), I trust in You for You are infinite justice (10), and You will guard me in the shadow of Your love (11). I love You, O my God, and You enlighten my eyes that I may not sleep the sleep of death (12), that I may not follow the corruption of the world (13), that I may be innocent and pure of heart (14) and find good only in You (15), my only love.

“I love You, O my God, and You guide my steps in Your ways, and my feet that they may not falter in following You (16). I love You, O Lord, my strength, my mighty defense, my secure refuge, and my deliverer (17). The heavens declare Your glory, and I love You in the harmony of the heavens, I praise You in Your works (18).

“I love You, O my God, in the very anguish of my heart, in the desolation of my soul, which makes me believe You have abandoned me. I have melted like water, my strength has dried up, my heart has melted within me, and I seem to be dragged into the grave (21). But You are my eternal shepherd, and in You I trust; You will give me grassy pastures, You will lead me to tranquil waters, You will guide me in Your ways, You will nourish me with Your Food of love, and I will be saved (22).

“I love You, O my God, and to You I lift up my mind and my soul, do not let me be confounded! I am a sinner, but You forgive my sin and save me (24). Purify my affections and my intentions (25), be my light and my salvation (26), for my soul longs for You and my heart rejoices in You (32).

“I love You, my God, and You fight those who fight against me, brandish Your shield to defend me and come to my aid, unsheathe Your sword and block the path of my adversaries; confound those who threaten my soul and want to extinguish in my heart the love I owe You (34), the love I bear for You, the love that wants to grow until eternal life.

“I love You, my God, prostrate in my nothingness! I am wounded, exhausted, dejected, and for the trembling of my heart I cry out in anguish (37). Behold, my days are like a span, my existence is before You as nothing, and I wander in darkness (38). But as the deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for You, O Lord! (41). Have mercy on me according to Your great mercy, blot out my transgressions, wash me from my iniquities, for I acknowledge my misery (50), and I take refuge in the shadow of Your wings (56).

“I love You, my God, exulting in You! O God, You are my God, my first desire. My soul thirsts for You; my body yearns for You in this dry, parched land without water. Your grace is worth more than life; in the shadow of Your wings I rejoice. My soul clings to You, and Your right hand upholds me. I love You; praise be to You (62). O all the earth, applaud the Lord, sing praise to His glorious name, bless God, offer Him sacrifices of love (65), for the Lord showers gifts upon you (67).

“I love You, my God, in the triumph of Your Church! The Kings of armies flee, they flee and Your flock rests! (67). You are glorious in Your Church! Here You have shattered the shield, the sword, and all the weapons of Your enemies. Here You are more radiant than the sun and more majestic than the verdant mountains (75). You redeemed Your people with Your arm and the depths trembled; Your thunder broke out in the whirlwind and the earth shook (76). Like chaff before the wind You scattered Your enemies, like fire that burns the forests You consumed them! (82). How lovely are Your glorious Tabernacles, O my God! My soul faints with longing for You; my heart and my flesh cry out for You, the living God in Your Church! The sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young . . . I have found Your Altars, O my King and my Lord, and one day in Your house is better than a thousand elsewhere (83). I love You!

“I love You, my God. You alone reign; You clothe Yourself with majesty, You gird Yourself with strength, and Your throne is eternal! (92). You reign and the earth rejoices; You reign and the nations are glad (96). You have done marvelous things; Your right hand and Your holy arm have given victory to the Church. The sea exults, the rivers clap their hands, the mountains sing for joy (97), for You are great above all peoples and You are the immortal King. I love You! (98).

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits! (102). My soul blesses You, O Lord my God, great, infinite, surrounded by splendor and majesty (103).

“Give praise to the Lord, call upon His Name, make known His deeds among the peoples; go to Him, sing psalms, glorify Him, glory in His Holy Name, and let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice (104). Give praise to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endures forever; He has redeemed you at the price of His blood, He has gathered you from all parts of the world, He has guided you along straight paths, He has satisfied you, quenched your thirst, enlightened you and saved you from the extreme catastrophe (106). My heart is ready, O Lord, I praise You, I exalt You, I glorify You among the peoples, I love You! (107). Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your Name be the glory for Your mercy, for Your goodness! (113).

“Give praise to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endures forever! Let all say: His mercy endures forever! Let the Priests say it and let those who fear the Lord say it: His mercy endures forever! (117). He has created everything with wisdom: His mercy endures forever; He has redeemed us and delivered us from the enemy: His mercy endures forever; He nourishes us with graces; His mercy endures forever! (135). To You I will give praise, O Lord, with all my heart, to You I will sing in union with the Angels (137). I will exalt You, O my God and my King, and I will bless Your name forever (144), I will sing psalms to Your name as long as I live (145). Praise the Lord for it is good to praise Him (146).

“Praise the Lord from the Heavens, praise Him, O Angels, praise Him all creatures of God (148). Sing to the Lord a new song, rejoice in your Creator, exult in your King (149). Praise the Lord in the Church, praise Him for His wonders, praise Him for His sublime majesty, praise Him with voice and with works, praise Him in sorrows and in joy (150), love Him with all your heart for He is worthy of infinite love. I love You, O my God, one and triune. Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

Author’s Note: If you would like to read more about Don Dolindo’s spirituality, check out this book: Don Dolindo’s Spiritual Guidance.

Photo from Religion en Libertad

Ruotolo, D. D. (1939). Commento alla Sacra Scrittura. Apostolato Stampa, 33.

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Elie G. Dib is studying the writings and life journey of the Servant of God, Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Known for his monumental 33-volume commentary, Don Dolindo left an indelible mark on religious literary work. Elie's Substack can be found at: If you would like to read more about Don Dolindo's insights on Sacred Scripture, check out this book: Don Dolindo's Spiritual Guidance.

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