The Prayers of Preca: Pray With the New St. George

Posted by Tom O'Toole

St. George PrecaIn honor of St. George Preca's canonization today, June 3, 2007, Fighting Irish Thomas had its staff of translators change George's favorite short prayers from Maltese to English. So for the first time in English, here's the list. As the Irish say, "Pray like a Champion today!"

"Lord God, you are here and I am in you."

"Lord God, I need you."

"To God alone honor and glory."

"God the Father, give me the spirit of Christ your Son."
"Everything comes from you, everything with your ability, everything is for you."

"Gentle Father of the Blessed Jesus Christ."

"You are God alone and you created everything."

"God, O Father, take away your look from the evil of this world."

"Lord God, keep me always in your hands."

"The earth is full of your mercy."

"Lord God, I am your son and you are my Father."

"Remember, O God, that your hands formed and made me."

"I am right, O Jesus, to thank you."
"O Jesus, be to me not a Judge but a Savior."

"Let Jesus Christ be blessed."

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