The Media’s Love Affair with Janet Reno Continues

by Rich Noyes

“Her heart is big but her solutions are sound; she cares more

for results than for labels, for ideas over ideology. If the White

House is worried about taking the country in a new direction,

perhaps it should send Reno on ahead as a scout. If she fails,

she'll say so. And if she continues to get it right, she may be

the one to lead the revolution.”

From Time's July 12, 1993 cover story, “Truth, Justice and

the Reno Way,” by Nancy Gibbs.

No matter how many times Janet Reno protected the Democratic

Party's scandalous 1996 fund-raising schemes from an independent

investigation, the media insisted that she was really a non-

political Attorney General. But journalists' carefully-nurtured

portrait of Reno as a politically-clueless bureaucrat is being

undermined by her own politically-ambitious plan to become the

next Governor of Florida.

“She's a gritty, unorthodox candidate and I think she has a very

good chance of winning the primary,” NBC's Tim Russert told Katie

Couric on Tuesday's Today. “If blacks turn out, if seniors turn

out, and if the economy is still in trouble, I think Janet Reno

has a better than even chance of winning. Right now, she's a good

15 points behind Jeb Bush, but she is someone who's hard to

pigeonhole in terms of her various policies.”

Hard to pigeonhole? Reno is a proud liberal, as her sister

proclaimed in an interview with Time magazine for a gushing 1993

cover story (see quote above), highlighting the idea that Southern

liberals like Miss Reno are particularly ideological: “You weren't

a liberal because it was a fad or you were supposed to. You

weren't supposed to. So you did it from profound conviction.”

“Reno has never been shy about second-guessing the President,”

Newsweek's Bob Cohn and Eleanor Clift praised in another 1993

profile, approvingly citing an instance when Reno was even more

liberal than her boss: “In June, the day after Clinton dropped

Lani Guinier as his choice to run the Justice Department's civil-

rights division, Reno told reporters that Guinier was still 'the

best possible choice.' She even gave Guinier a Justice Department

conference room to make her case to the press.”

The national media's applause for Reno was matched by contempt

for her conservative predecessors. Crowning her with “full-fledged

folk-hero status” in a May 10, 1993 article, Time's Stanley Cloud

spun that Reno “was cheered on both sides of the aisle in Congress

and in her own Justice Department, where a succession of 25-watt,

responsibility-ducking Attorneys General had left morale lower

than – well, lower than an alligator's belly.”

The media insisted that fiascos such as the Waco fire that

killed two dozen children and her decision to force a six-year-old

back to Communist Cuba were moments when the public should feel

sorry for Reno. Discussing Elian's seizure on April 22, 2000, CBS

reporter Jim Stewart rued “that will be the bookend on Janet

Reno's tenure as Attorney General, that and Waco on the other end.

It is appalling from her perspective because of the true

compassion she has for children. If you've ever seen her around

children, you know how much she truly cares for them, and this has

got to be tearing at her.”

Not even her refusal to name an independent counsel to examine

any of the wide array of allegations of campaign finance law

violations by Clinton and Gore in 1996 shook the media's denial

that Reno was a politically-minded Attorney General. “People just

assume she's honest. Honest Janet Reno,” National Public Radio's

Juan Williams relayed on Fox News Sunday in 1999. That's still the

theme: “Reno enjoys a reputation as a principled leader who does

what she thinks is right,” Time's Tim Padgett echoed in this

week's issue.

On Tuesday's Early Show, CBS's Bryant Gumbel pitched the idea that

“a Reno/Bush match-up [might be] some kind of a symbolic sequel to

what happened last November,” adding that, “whatever happens,

Katherine Harris won't be around to certify the results, right?”

Of course, the national media will be on the scene, proclaiming

Reno's righteousness and showering the candidate with all the

benefits of sympathetic coverage.

(This update courtesy of the Media Research Center.)

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