Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
The Trinitarian nature of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is hinted at in the mysterious words of today’s verse. For the image of God is not fully expressed in Adam alone, but in Adam-and-Eve together. Indeed, Scripture tells us — after a relentlessly upbeat account of creation which is repeatedly punctuated by the exclamation “God saw that it was good… God saw that it was good… God saw that it was very good” — that there was one thing God saw that was not good: a human being all alone. So God gives Adam to Eve and Eve to Adam just as the Father gives himself completely to the Son and the Son gives himself completely to the Father. Moreover, just as Adam and Eve together bear fruit a new human life, so from the eternal love of Father and Son proceeds the person of the Holy Spirit. In a mysterious way, Genesis and the mystery of human love foreshadow something of the ultimate reality behind the world: the love of the Blessed Trinity. Today, thank God for the family, whether natural or spiritual, that God has given you in his love as a school for heaven.