[Editor’s note: The author explains her family’s Lenten commitment to take the Love Dare here . Regular updates will be posted all through Lent. Click here to catch up on previous posts.]
The dare today could be summed up by a line in a popular Disney movie, “See a need, fill a need.”
“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you” — Eph. 4:32.
I thought today’s dare would be easy. As I mentioned yesterday, I have a few kids who naturally do what needs to be done…..not so today. It seemed like the harder we tried, the worse it got. The kids did report finding it easy to do things for others outside our home, but it was a tougher challenge to willingly do for each other in our home. Our youngest did a great job. He found the basket of mismatched socks and started matching them (a job I detest). I guess it’s true, a little child shall lead us.
My husband only asked me to do one task for him yesterday and I FORGOT! Ugh. I did rectify it as soon as I realized, but it shows how much harder this dare is then it seems.
Lord, help me to not only desire to fill my family’s needs, but to recognize them and act on that desire!