The Dream

by Sue Stone

You gave me a dream one day, O Lord,

of midnight on a storming sea,

Hurricane winds blowing free,

washing up on an unprepared shore.

I watched as the waters swirled and rose,

huge swells washing all away

there in the darkness far from day,

The works of hands shattered in the water flows.

I watched how puny are the works we prize

The works of hands and sweat and dreams

Falling there beneath the streams

Nothing of man stopped the water's rise.

And yet, there on the water's face

Bobbing lightly as the waves moved on,

Survivors surfacing towards the dawn

Rafts and boats and planks and boards in place.

Even though wind tossed, and frightened there

even though battered in the night

they escaped into the light,

By the hand of loving care.

“My mercy,” said the Lord to me

“I gave them refuge in my heart,

As the darkness took their world apart

Because they put their trust in me.


“Take care to understand and know

When darkness seems too dark to see

That I will hold you close to me

In darkest night, when storm winds blow

“If you will give your heart to me

To keep within my heart of love

You will always float above

The darkness of that midnight sea.

“Cling to my mercy now, this day,

“The storm clouds gather, the darkness grows,

The seas are rising, the dark wind blows,

Come into my heart or wash away.”

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