The Abortion Wars: Pro-Life Group Launches Air and Land Campaign With Giant Graphic Billboards

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will display images of abortion on a 50' x 100' Airplane Tow Banner over several Florida cities, main roadways, and public beaches as part of the Key States Initiative beginning today in West Palm Beach. The graphic aerial banner will be accompanied by a large fleet of land based mobile billboards also in Jacksonville (March 3-5), Tallahassee (March 8-10), and Pensacola (March 11- 12). The land based initiative began in Orlando on February 16th. CBR begins combined air and land operations in Georgia cities March 15.

The Key States Initiative will also visit South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon and the State of Washington before the November general election.

Gregg Cunningham, CBR's Executive Director, explained the Key States Initiative is “a way to educate voters that abortion is an act of violence that kills a baby.” He said, “So long as abortionists continue to kill babies, CBR's tow banner airplanes and billboard trucks will show America exactly what they're doing.”

Cunningham added, “Abortion will continue to be trivialized as 'the lesser of two evils,' or as 'a necessary evil,' so long as it is allowed to remain an invisible abstraction. Pictures make it impossible for anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty to maintain the pretense that 'it's not a baby' and abortion is not an act of violence.”

For more information about CBR, visit

their website.

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