Texas First State to Warn of Abortion-Cerebral Palsy Link

Texas is the first state in the U.S. to educate its abortion clinic patrons of the real risk between abortion and cerebral palsy (CP) in subsequent pregnancies.

In prior LifeSiteNews.com coverage of the issue, we reported on researcher Brent Rooney's compilation of twenty-seven studies published in major medical journals showing a significantly elevated risk of premature birth from prior induced abortions. Medical research indicates that pre-term birth increases the risk of cerebral palsy as well as respiratory distress, asthma and death. The studies showing the link have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal, The New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Public Health and others.

A 1999 Danish study of 61,000 women found a doubled risk of “very pre-term” babies in pregnancies subsequent to a prior abortion. Pre-term deliveries represent a significant risk factor in the development of CP. Rooney estimates that of the approximately 800,000 women who have abortions each year in the U.S., 904 babies would develop CP as a direct result of having very low birth weights subsequent to a prior abortion.

Despite the risks to later-born children, not to mention risks to the mother, health authorities in Canada refuse to demand that abortionists offer informed consent detailing such risks to women prior to abortions.

See also:

Update coverage of Rooney's work

List of Journals and specific citations

WorldNetDaily.com coverage of Texas decision

(This update courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)

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