Wilmington, Delaware Michele Curay-Cramer, a religion and language arts teacher at an independent Catholic school in Delaware was fired from her post after her name appeared in a public advertisement in support of abortion. Ursuline Academy dismissed the teacher after her name appeared, among a list of 600 names, in a pro-abortion ad commemorating the Roe v Wade anniversary by the Coalition for Choice.
In the ad, Curay-Cramer, revealed her involvement with Planned Parenthood, for which she started doing volunteer work in April.
Despite pressure the school has remained resolute. “The Catholic Church is very much pro-life,” said Ursuline spokesman Jerry Botto. “This is an area of the church where there is no gray area it's black-and-white. In keeping with that, that is something we teach here.”
Send your comments to the school:
Jerry Botto: jbotto@ursuline.org
See the News Journal coverage: Ursuline teacher fired after name in ad
(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)