
Sarah Rozman

Information Specialist

Catholics United for the Faith

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Dear Catholic Exchange:

When I was 17 (and in the military) I got a tattoo on my right arm of a cobra. I have regretted it every since. About 20 years ago I had a peacock tattooed over the snake. I realized a long time ago that the snake was a symbol of Satan. And (I didn't realize it at the time) the peacock was an ancient Christian symbol for the Resurrection. My question is this: since the Old Testament condemns marking your body as the “Temple of the Holy Spirit,” do I have an obligation to remove this tattoo by laser surgery (it is very expensive)?


Gene Way

Dear Mr. Way,

Peace in Christ!

For more information about the teachings of the Church on tattoos and the principles by which one can discern whether in particular situations it is sinful to be tattooed, please see our Faith Fact Tattoos.

United in the Faith,

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