Talk Is Cheap. Why Not Do Something?

Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 / Mt 7:21-29

A great deal of cynicism has arisen in our country about politicians, car dealers, advertising executives and the like.  The common bond between them, at least according to common perception, is that their talk is cheap and their promises are not to be trusted or taken seriously.  Indeed, they’ve all become a standard part of the national repertoire of humor.

Pointing an accusing finger at many of these characters can be amusing recreation and is often justified by the facts, but it does tend to distract us from the exploring the possible presence of the same self-deceptive virus in our own lives.  We all talk too much, about our neighbors’ faults, about our leaders’ foolish mistakes, and about our own grand plans as if they were already achievements.  We talk about our hopes and aspirations as if they were deeds, while denying others even a hint of the same luxury.

There’s no time like the present to replace all that talk with a humble and thoughtful silence that refrains from judging others and expends its energies on laying the foundations for deeds that will count and whose effects will last.  Nothing less will be an adequate return to the Lord for all the gifts with which he has filled us.