Survey of Home Schooling Spawns Call for Change in Tax Law

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

by Fred Jackson

(AgapePress) – A pro-family group is using a new government report on home schooling to make a call for a change in tax laws.

For years, home schooling has been dismissed by mainstream society as nothing more than a fringe element mainly composed of right-wing fundamentalist Christians. But things have changed in recent years. Even the mainstream media has taken note of the academic achievement of many home schoolers, particularly those who have taken top honors in such events as the National Spelling Bee and National Geographic Bee.

Now comes the first-ever government survey of home schooling. Among other things, it concludes that most children who are home schooled live in cities and have well-educated parents raising a handful of children on one income.

Rabbi David Eidensohn is the director of the National Non-Sectarian Council of Pro-Family Activists. He says the government report is further evidence that home school parents should not be forced to also fund a failing public school system through their tax dollars.

Eidensohn says public schools have become a place where homosexuality is promoted, and where children are taught to hate religious people. He says the family and biblical community must assert their rights.

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