Study Shows Corporate Givers Favor Anti-Family Causes

by Fred Jackson and Jody Brown

(AgapePress) – Last week's revelation of Home Depot's financial contribution to a pro-homosexual group has put a spotlight on corporate giving to non-profit groups. A new study suggests that the vast majority of the millions of dollars that companies give away tends to go to groups hostile to traditional values.

Capital Research Center has published a study called “Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy: A Mandate for Reform.” Basically it concludes that American companies give about five times as much money to groups that favor government solutions, for example, versus those seeking less regulation. CNSNews quotes James Glassman of the American Enterprise Institute who says most of the corporate people making the decisions on grants tend to be “progressives” who are likely to cave in to the pressures of political correctness.

Christopher Yablonski, author of the CRC study, says in the short term, companies might see a reason to fund a anti-family group — but in the long term, he says, it is going to “come back and bite them.”

The Advocate, a pro-homosexual publication, announced last week that Home Depot and PFLAG — Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays — had teamed up for a Father's Day promotion at Home Depot outlets. Soon thereafter, a Home Depot spokesman stated the report was somewhat misleading, and that all Home Depot did was give a one-time donation of $2,500 to PFLAG. Still, many Home Depot customers were shocked to learn that the company would give to an organization like PFLAG. Reports indicate some customers have been registering their outrage by cutting up their Home Depot credit cards and mailing in the pieces.

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

Tech Millionaires Pour Millions into Homosexual Rights Movement

by Gary Bauer

According to USA Today, newly minted tech millionaires are pouring millions of dollars into the homosexual rights movement. Some examples:

• Kathy Levinson – Former President of E-Trade, an online stock brokerage firm. Levinson founded the Lesbian Equity Foundation of Silicon Valley last year and donated $500,000 to groups focusing on homosexual issues. She also dumped $300,000 of her own money into the campaign to defeat Prop 22, the defense of marriage initiative in California last year. CWF financially supported Prop 22 and it passed with 61%.

• David Bohnett – An L.A. venture capitalist, who founded the web page developer GeoCities. He sold it to Yahoo and then created his own foundation, which gave $2 million to homosexual advocacy groups, including $100,000 to the Human Rights Campaign for voter registration. Bohnett donated over $600,000 last year to the Democratic Party and various anti-life candidates.

• Tim Gill – Founder of software giant Quark, is identified as the biggest homosexual financier. This year, the Gill Foundation is expected to give nearly $10 million to the Lambda Legal Defense Fund, which led the charge against the Boy Scouts of America and actively seeks to overturn state laws against sodomy.

Elizabeth Birch, who runs the so-called Human Rights Campaign (HRC), says that six of the top ten donors to HRC made their money in the tech industry and all of them became financial activists for the homosexual agenda in the past five years. The bottom line is that the homosexual political movement is increasingly well-funded and is intent on implementing their agenda, which includes redefining marriage and exposing children at young ages to the idea that homosexual acts are normal and even moral.

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