Study Finds Death of Parent Less Harmful Than Divorce

DUBLIN, Ireland — A new study from University College, Dublin has revealed that the effects of divorce are even more damaging than the death of a parent.

The new research reveals that children of divorced or separated parents are more likely to develop depression, do worse in school, and have poor social skills compared to other children. The study also revealed that the sense of loss experienced as a result of divorce is greater than that experienced when a parent dies.

In an interview with the Irish Examiner, the writer of the research paper, Professor Patricia Casey, said that “Children are damaged by separation and divorce.” Professor Casey told the Examiner that she seeks to correct misinformation such as the claim that separation is better than couples remaining in a “bad” marriage. In fact “The research shows that is not the case,” she said.

“Nobody should delude themselves that divorce is easy,” she continues, “Keeping a bad marriage together is difficult, but protecting children after a divorce can be even more difficult. Couples need to realize this.”

She says that during the 1995 Irish divorce referendum one bishop said that separated children experience loss more profoundly than if the parent had died. “There was a massive brouhaha at the time, but he was actually right. The research has found that.”

Casey also refers to corroborative studies like the one by Judith Wallerstein of the University of California at Berkeley that revealed, “Children from divorced families do less well academically, have less social skills and are at greater risk of depression.”

The Heritage Foundation report, “The Effects of Divorce on America,” reveals that the children of divorce are increasingly the victims of abuse, exhibit more problems (health, behavioral and emotional), and are more frequently involved in crime and drug abuse.

See also:

Study Finds Divorce Can Be Deadly for Men

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