Stem Cell Research Targeted by Class-Action Lawsuit and Catholic Group

by Bill Fancher and Rusty Pugh

(AgapePress) – A move is under way to pressure the federal government to stop funding stem cell research in which the stem cells are taken from human embryos which are then destroyed.

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health in an effort to prevent further funding of some stem cell research with federal tax dollars. The research in question involves creation and then destruction of that embryo.

Dr. Eugene Rudd, spokesman for the Christian Medical and Dental Society, deplores such ethics.

“Whether it's a holocaust during World War Two or it's a holocaust against unborn babies in this day and time and now being transferred over to the earliest stages for parts [of unborn babies], all those things are just unconscionable,” Rudd says. “We need to say 'No, we're not going to tolerate that. For whatever gain that might be had from it, we're not going to tolerate that.' I believe that we have the capacity to make the positive gains for the human race without doing those evil things.”

Several organizations have joined forces in the lawsuit. HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson has expressed his concern over the issue, but has not pledged to stop the funding as yet.

Meanwhile, more than 100 Catholic groups have joined in opposition to the use of tissue from aborted babies for stem cell research. The Catholic Leadership Conference has released a collective statement condemning destructive embryonic stem cell research, encouraging instead the more ethical and equally promising path of adult stem cell research.

CLC spokesman Deal Hudson says destroying human life to supposedly help human life is not only evil, it is unnecessary.

“We reject the argument that the stem cells should be harvested for the sake of medical research and even medical treatment,” Hudson says. “In addition, it's clear that the state of science thus far is that adult stem cells are reliable and they have a demonstrated benefit when used in clinical treatment, and there are serious questions on whether embryonic stem cells do the job, as seen in this latest report on Parkinson's treatment.”

Hudson was referring to a recent study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, that found that when embryonic cells were used in experimental treatment of patients with Parkinson's Disease, not only were there no benefits, but 15% of the patients suffered disastrous side effects.

“We want to make it clear that Catholics around the country are in solidarity with the bishops and the teaching of the church on respect for human life, even in its embryonic form,” he says.

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

Pro-Lifer Challenges Bush, HHS Secretary on Dangers of RU-486

WASHINGTON, DC (AgapePress) – One pro-life leader wonders why we are not hearing from America's leaders about the abortion drug RU-486 and the danger it poses to women who take it.

Judie Brown is President of the American Life League. She wants to know why President George W. Bush and Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson are not concerned about the abortion drug. She calls their silence on the issue “unacceptable.”

“Of course we have heard statements out of the White House staff that … Thompson has concerns about the health risks of RU-486. But wait a minute,” Brown says. “That chemical compound, in conjunction with the other part of the regimen … kills people. They are used as chemical abortion agents for the express purpose of killing human beings.”

She is also disturbed over the fact that dangerous chemical abortion compounds are flooding the country and the only outcry against them is coming from pro-life activists like herself.

“Where is the American Medical Association in discussing the truth about RU-486 … or about the 'morning-after' pill? — both of which the Food and Drug Administration approved without warnings to the American public,” she says. “And where, oh where, is our President? He has not condemned this.”

Brown points out that even the manufacturers of the chemicals used in the “abortion cocktails” have warned against their use in this manner. Yet, their concern has been ignored, as have documented cases of deaths of women who take them. She says the White House and the American Medical Association need to step to the front on this issue and, if they do not take action, they need to at least condemn the dangerous chemical compounds.

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