
by Laurence D. Behr

Praise to You, O Mighty God Who Makes

the tiny, frozen tree-tip buds burst forth —

eternal troves of quintessential Life —

in spurting, fragrant sweet-green sprays and sprigs

of Joy extracted from the inert Earth!

Praise to You, O Mighty God Whose Power —

occult, unseen by vile souls unclean —

invades each molecule of soil, air

and water, commanding icy Death

to yield, give way to nascent Life, and flower!

Praise to You, O Mighty God Whose Art

instructs the sweetest little birdlings in

their songs, and teaches too the humble worms

how they churn best Earth's warm, inviting breast,

that suckles now another round of Birth!

Praise to You, O Mighty God Whose Love —

reviled, disregarded, spat upon

and curst — relentlessly, unflinchingly,

unthinkingly returns, again and yet

again, against all hope insists we are all Yours!

(Laurence D. Behr is Executive Director of the Association for the Arch of Triumph Of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Int'l Shrine Of the Holy Innocents.)

Copyright Laurence D. Behr, 1999

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