Special Report on Forced Abortions in America

Most abortions are unwanted abortions. Young girls and women are routinely pressured or even physically forced into unwanted abortions. The epidemic of coerced, unwanted abortions is rarely reported. Yet every day, girls and women face daunting threats from people who want them to abort.

• One homeless woman was denied shelter until she aborted.

• A teen was ridiculed by a school counselor and bussed to the abortion clinic.

• A daughter was pushed into an abortion clinic at gunpoint by her mother.

• A girlfriend was injected with an abortifacient outside a parking garage.

• A 13-year-old was returned to her molester after her abortion.

• Three sisters were raped repeatedly by their father and forced into abortions for nearly a decade.

• A wife miscarried after her husband jumped on her stomach to force an abortion.

• A waitress was fired after refusing to have an abortion.

The headlines here represent just a few of the many women who either didn’t choose or “chose” under duress.

Women who face the significant pressures of an unplanned pregnancy or an unwanted abortion need healing, help, hope, real support and meaningful alternatives.

The report includes the following four sections:

• PART I — The Coerced Abortion Epidemic: In America, Up to 60% of Abortions Are Coerced

• PART II — Coercion Can Lead to Violence: Pregnancy Places Women at Higher Risk of Attack

• PART III — Violence Can Lead to Murder: Murder: The #1 Cause of Death for Pregnant Women

Quotes From Women Who Have Been There: “Every week, a bus took students to Planned Parenthood.”

See also:

Complete Report

(This article courtesy of AfterAbortion.org)

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