I recently commented on remarks by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Addressing a Catholic Community Conference on Capitol Hill in May, the Roman Catholic Congresswoman stated: “They ask me all the time, ‘What is your favorite this? What is your favorite that?’ And one time, ‘What is your favorite word?’ And I said, ‘My favorite word? That is really easy.’ My favorite word is the Word…. And that Word [gives] voice to … public policy … in keeping with the values of the Word.”
Pelosi continued: “[O]f course, we know it means: ‘The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.’”
Of course, that New Testament passage refers to the Word becoming flesh in the form of Christ, made possible by consent of the Virgin Mary.
I wasn’t the only one struck by the observations of Pelosi, a longtime unrelenting abortion advocate. An enterprising reporter at CNSNews.com made her way into a Pelosi press conference, where she stunned not only the Speaker but the assembled press, with a most politically incorrect question. She asked Pelosi (click here to watch) whether she believed that Jesus—the Word Himself—had a right to life, and, if so, from the moment of conception?
Pelosi’s response? This time the Roman Catholic—no longer surrounded by sympathetic “social justice” Catholics—was in no mood to talk Scripture. She testily informed the reporter that this was something to talk about in church. Her spokeswoman backed her up, replying: “The Speaker answered the question. Thanks.”
Well, not exactly. As Pelosi knows, we all took flesh in our mothers’ wombs, where all life begins. Those are words to take to heart, to keep, to truly give voice to our values and public policy.