South Florida Scouts Agree to “Sensitivity Training” for Leaders

by Allie Martin

(AgapePress) – The head of the Florida Family Association says the South Florida Council of Boy Scouts has caved in to political pressure from homosexual activists in a way that could have a negative impact on churches across the nation.

The South Florida Council of Boy Scouts has agreed to develop a “sensitivity training” program to help Scout leaders deal more sensitively with homosexual youth. The plans for the program were announced recently, after months of negotiations between the Scouts, homosexual activists, and the local United Way.

David Caton, executive director of the Florida Family Association, says it is especially outrageous that the training program is being developed by “Miami's Project YES” — an organization that educates homosexual youth about the dangerous lifestyle.

“This implies that they're going to be allowing homosexuals to come in to the Scouts, which is an apparent breach of the national policy,” Caton says. “But more importantly is the churches throughout this country need to be wary that this plan, this program, could spread.”

Caton says the plan for “sensitivity training” may challenge churches across the country to decide whether they will allow their facilities to be used to tell adults and children that there is nothing wrong with the homosexual lifestyle. “Worse than that,” he says, “what may happen is if a church does refuse or decline to allow this … brainwashing … to occur in their facilities, they may very well be faced with lawsuits.”

The United Way of Broward County, Florida, voted last year to pull financial support of the Scouts shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the Scouts could ban homosexuals from leadership positions. That ban remains in effect.

(This update courtesy of Agape Press.)

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