Skull on Tombstone

Dear Catholic Exchange:

While visiting a family cemetery I noticed a strange engraving on a tomb stone. Knowing that this family was Catholic I found it very strange. It had a picture of a skull then around it on 3 sides were words, which we were unable to read. Can you help give us an explanation of this?

Thank you.

Jo Marshall

Dear Friend in Christ,

Not having seen the image ourselves, and not knowing the meaning of the inscription, we cannot provide you with an explanation for the particular engraving to which you refer. Nevertheless, we do know that the symbol of the skull is not foreign to Christian art. The following are several examples.

First of all, the skull is commonly used as a means of representing death and mortality. Also, crucifixes or images of the crucifixion often portray a skull and crossbones at the foot of the crucifix. The symbol of the skull and crossed bones apparently represents victory over death. Also, the place of the crucifixion was called Golgatha, which means place of the skull. The reason for this name is unknown, although there are a number of theories on the matter. One theory that is not likely accurate, but which may explain the appearance of the skull in some depictions of the crucifixion, is that the skull of Adam was buried on the hill of Golgatha. (cf. The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Mount Calvary”).

Another use of the skull is to symbolize penitence. For this purpose, saints like Mary Magdalene are often depicted with an image of a skull. Other saints commonly pictured with skulls are St. Francis of Assisi and St. Jerome (cf. Patron Saint Index).

If you would like to make a rubbing or sketch of the engraving, you are welcome to send us a copy of the image. We would gladly attempt to provide you with a more thorough explanation of its symbolism and the meaning of the words in the inscription.

United in the Faith,

Kathleen Rohan

Information Specialist

Catholics United for the Faith

827 North Fourth Street

Steubenville, OH 43952

800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)

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