Silent No More Awareness Campaign Continues to Grow

“I Regret My Abortion.” These four simple words confirm the growing doubt in the mind of the American public that abortion is any kind of benefit. More and more women are holding signs with this very message, as they come into the public square repenting of their abortion, proclaiming the mercy of Christ, and reaching out to their sisters, lest they make the same mistake.

The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a project of Priests for Life and NOEL, and is an ecumenical effort to bring healing to those who have had abortions, and to enable them to teach others that abortion hurts women.

Actress and model Jennifer O'Neill is the National Celebrity Spokesperson for the campaign. On January 22, she will again join dozens of other women at the steps of the Supreme Court. They will share their testimonies publicly. Similar events will be held across the country, and you can sign up for such events at the campaign's website.

Singer and Actress Melba Moore has also joined the campaign. As a post-abortive woman, she too has found the forgiveness of the Lord through the Church, and now assists the pro-life movement with her gift of song.

After public rallies during the month of January, we call upon Churches to have special healing services in February for those wounded by abortion. Our web site has suggested formats. Please tell all those you know who have had abortions about the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. They will be grateful for the special fellowship this campaign will provide.

This update courtesy of the Priests for Life newsletter. You may contact Priests for Life at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; Tel: 888-PFL-3448 or 718-980-4400; Fax: 718-980-6515; Email:; Website:

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