Seven Seven

by Pavel Chichikov

Here, take this box old son –

See, I'll pull it apart for you –

Violet indigo green and red

Yellow orange and blue

Seven modes for the compass rose

For the compass rose of stars

Binary triplet neutron pulsar

But also planets like Mars

Reality comes from all directions

You put it together from parts

With help from the maths and sciences

And a dozen or two of the arts

I jammed them together roughly

In a manner of speaking but then

More of them seemed to be spreading about

Increasing by powers of ten

How many colors, how many shapes

Recurrent irregular make

Brains and minds and species of things

The beautiful ugly and fake

Primary colored spectral sevens

Simple in shape in a plane

Now generated a double fetch

Of infinities over again

Pulsing, endless the pieces came

Material mental in one

See, I'll put it together for you

Here, take this box old son

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at

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