CHICAGO ( – LifeSite has learned of seven more 'Catholic' universities and colleges in the United States which promote Planned Parenthood on their websites. In light of San Francisco University’s recent removal (at least temporarily) of links to the pro-abortion organization from its website, LifeSite hopes that this latest expose will shine a needed cleansing light.
DePaul University in Chicago, founded in 1898 by the Vincentians boasts of being “The largest Catholic university in the nation.” However, DePaul not only links to the pro-abortion Planned Parenthood but goes even further offering its students internships with the pro-abortion organization.
(See links verifying DePaul's Planned Parenthood internships.)
Georgetown University in the nation's capital pride itself on being “founded in 1789” and “the nation's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university.” Nonetheless, the Georgetown website offers a “sexual health & safety” page which would make even insensitive Catholics blush with embarrassment with its encouragement of the use of sexual aids including “dental dams” and “latex gloves” for “safer sex”. Not only does Georgetown link to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, it also suggests the use of the abortifacient morning after pill in case of rape.
(Editor's Note: Georgetown's “sexual health” site has either been moved or deleted since this story broke.)
Loyola University in Chicago is one of the largest of the 28 Jesuit universities and colleges in the United States. Besides linking to Planned Parenthood, the university's women's studies website links to the pro-abortion lobby group National Organization of Women. It also links to a “StopDrLaura” website organized by a homosexual lobby, which in turn links to other extreme homosexual activist sites which should also be considered offensive in a Catholic University setting.
(See this Loyola women's resources site.)
Santa Clara University in California which was founded in 1851 by the Society of Jesus not only links to Planned Parenthood on its Medical Assistance website, but explains clearly that ” Planned Parenthood provides services including family planning, pregnancy testing, prenatal care, cancer screening, surgical sterilization, abortion.”
(See this SCU women's resources site.)
Seaattle University in Washington claims “The Gospel vision of the human person in society, as understood and developed by our Catholic and Jesuit tradition, is the wellspring of our educational values and hence our educational mission.” But on a university website, besides linking to Planned Parenthood for “wellness” services, the students are urged to “activism” with groups such as “National Organization for Women” and “National Gay and Lesbian Task Force”.
Two other Catholic institutions, Boston College and John Carroll University in Cleveland also offer their students links to Planned Parenthood offices from the university websites.
LifeSite News sought a comment on the findings from Patrick J. Reilly, President & CEO of the Cardinal Newman Society which was established in 1993 and dedicated to the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic higher education. The Society, which is backed by ten U.S. bishops and archbishops and counts among its spiritual advisers, Rev. Benedict Groeschel, and Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, works towards the faithful implementation of Pope John Paul II's 1990 constitution Ex Corde Ecclesae “On Catholic Universities”.
“In Ex Corde Ecclesiae, one of the requirements of a Catholic university is that all official actions and commitments must be in accord with the university's Catholic identity,” said Reilly. “Anything that would appear or be announced or promoted by the university's website or professors is an official action. By promoting Planned Parenthood or taking any step that might drive students towards Planned Parenthood for an abortion is not only a violation of Ex Corde Ecclesiae but a scandal and a terrible crime against these young women.”
See the Cardinal Newman Society website and Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)