Dear Catholic Exchange,
My name is Matt. I am 19 years old. I was born and raised in the Catholic Church. I was baptized and confirmed. I always believed in God. But I remember going to Church seemed boring and monotonous; like it was an obligation not a privilege. I was a trouble maker starting very young, and followed some very wayward paths. I got involved with drugs and that whole scene. I mean I was bad. I never stopped believing in God. And there were even times when I prayed. When I prayed though, it was what you might call blind faith. I talked to the air, believing it might come true. But I don't recall ever having a true relationship with God.
Fast forward a couple years. After a series of events I wound up back in a rehabilitation center. While I was there I was thinking about my life, and how I had hurt so many people, and all the bad things I’d done. For years my vision was clouded by the darkness of denial, but for the first time it seemed like I was confronted with the truth. I had a problem, and I needed help. Not to mention that I felt extremely guilty about all of the things I had done, and all of the people I had hurt. I hit my knees and started crying. It was like someone opened the flood gates. In this state I cried out something along the lines of “God please help me.” It was beautiful. I have not been the same since. I mean I felt like God really reached inside me and touched my heart. I felt alive, I could see. I mean, it was powerful. Not to mention by the grace and Mercy of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, I have been clean from drugs for over a year, with NO DESIRE to go back! Alleluia!
However since then I have come to question different things. Mainly, I am trying to discern whether the Catholic Church is indeed the one true church. I have met people that are certainly Christians that are Protestant. I don’t know what to believe. Why do Catholics pray to Mary and Saints and Angels and Statues? What is the difference between prayer and worship? Are Catholics evangelical? What it comes down to is: is the Catholic Church the one true church? What of Protestant denominations? Apocryphal books or Deuterocanonical? Regarding the cycle of redemption: Purgatory, Faith, Works? I have so many questions, honestly. I mean the Catholic Church says we are born of the Spirit at confirmation. But clearly it was not true in my case. So I don't understand. Are there any books or websites you can point me to that might help me with all of these questions. I have been seeking answers prayerfully, but also actively seeking for some time.
Thank you,
Dear Mr. Alexander,
There is currently an abundance of material and information available.
First of all visit our website of Faith Facts which are answers to commonly asked questions some of which you asked in your e-mail. Another excellent website is Catholic Answers, an apostolate that focuses on apologetics. In this vein you might also try which is another site devoted to apologetics. Finally, we would be remiss in failing to recommend Dr. Scott Hahn’s outstanding website Dr. Hahn had many of the questions that you have and found convincing answers in the Catholic Church. His site is devoted to helping Catholics become more familiar with Scripture.
As for book titles, the Catholic for A Reason series are the collected essays of converts to Catholicism who had to overcome many different theological and moral obstacles in doing so. Another favorite is Rome Sweet Home by Dr. Scott Hahn which details his and his wife’s personal conversion experience.
I hope that this information is helpful.
United in the Faith,
Pete Brown
Information Specialist
Catholics United for the Faith
827 North Fourth Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)
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