Jer 18:1-6 / Mt 13:47-53
Most of us have the habit of thinking too small. Whether at home or at work, in friendships or in business, we miss too many possibilities and we expect too little. We end up making do with far less than we need to: We settle for moribund relationships, boring jobs, and aimless lives. And nowhere is this settling for second best more visible than in our relationship with God.
How strange that we can praise and thank God for the wonders of His universe and for the gift of our own lives, and simultaneously ask and expect so little of Him in the present. As Jeremiah notes in today’s first reading, the fact is that God has the power to refashion and re-create us from within. Indeed, “re-creation” is the word that the apostles used to describe what happened inside them on Pentecost.
Send forth your Spirit, O God, and we shall be re-created, and you will renew the face of the earth!