Senator McCain Sends Up Streisand on Saturday Night Live

by Brent Baker

John McCain earned applause from the Saturday Night Live audience during a skit in which he sang, very badly, some stanzas from Barbra Streisand songs mixed in with some zingers at Streisand for making political pronouncements.

When even New Yorkers laugh and applaud hits on a liberal activist like Streisand you know most find her annoying.

The skit was a take-off on a TV commercial for a CD titled “McCain Sings Streisand.” It opened with McCain singing “People Who Need People.” McCain then observed: “I've been in politics for over 20 years. And for over 20 years I've had Barbra Streisand trying to do my job. So I decided to try my hand at her job.”

That prompted the audience to applaud. McCain picked up with a bit of “Memories/The Way We Were” before launching this zinger: “Do I know how to sing? About as well as she knows how to govern America.” That led the New York City audience to laugh and applaud.

McCain, badly and off key, sang some from another Streisand song and then inquired: “Pretty annoying, huh? Now you know how I feel.”

The audience applauded again before McCain delivered a quip followed by a promise: “My new CD is a must for all of Barbra Streisand's fans as well as Log Cabin Republicans. And as a special added bonus, just for Babs, a portion of all sales will be used to damage Alaskan wildlife preserves. So order today!”

For more about Streisand's fundraiser for Democrats last month, and a RealPlayer video clip of Streisand singing customized anti-Republican lyrics at it to the tune of “The Way We Were,” see the Media Research Center's Celebrities on Politics and War page.

(This update courtesy of the Media Research Center.)

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