Senate Pro-Life Briefing Will Feature Actress Jennifer O’Neill

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

Washington, DC — Actress and “Cover Girl” model Jennifer O'Neill became a

household name following her starring role in the classic film “Summer of

'42.” With more than thirty feature films, numerous television movies, and

three series to her credit, O'Neill is a pop culture icon for a generation of


However much people know about her public career, few know of one of the most significant decisions in her private life — to have an abortion.

“I had become engaged to an extremely powerful man for two years when I

became pregnant,” O'Neill explains.

“I stood frozen in horror and disbelief at his unequivocal negative response

to my 'good news.' In short, he promised he would do everything in his power

to emotionally and verbally coerce me into getting an abortion.”

“In the seventies we were told a lie from the pit of hell (and it is still

told today) that a pregnancy is just a blob of tissue,” O'Neill recalls in

her autobiography “From Fallen to Forgiven: A Spiritual Journey Into

Wholeness and Healing.”

“Deep down I knew I was wrong to abort my baby, even when everyone else was saying it was right. Nothing in the world could ever make me opt for that

choice again.”

O'Neill will make a special appearance at a pro-life Senate briefing

sponsored by the Women Deserve Better campaign.

The campaign, backed by a group of pro-life organizations working together to

highlight the pro-woman aspects of the pro-life message, previously held a

briefing for the House of Representatives to help congressional staff members

articulate a more effective pro-life message.

Once again, Feminists for Life President Serrin Foster will present her

critically acclaimed speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion.” The speech

is recognized as one of twenty-two “Great Speeches in History” on “Women's

Rights,” published in 2001 by Greenhaven Press.

The briefing will be held on Monday, September 23, 2002 at 12 Noon in Room

325, Russell Senate Office Bldg. Pro-life senators John Kyl (R-AZ), Richard

Shelby (R-AL) and Rick Santorum (R-PA), are co-sponsoring the briefing.

The briefing is open to members of Congress, Congressional staff, members of

the media and representatives of pro-life organizations. To RSVP, email

The Women Deserve Better(sm) campaign participants include Feminists for Life of America; Life Resource Network's Women's Task Force; the National

Post-Abortion Awareness Campaign; Solidarity with Women (Priests for Life);

Second Look Project; and Women and Children First.

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