Washington, DC NBC's “Meet the Press” on Sunday featured a discussion
between Louisiana U.S. Senate candidates, pro-abrotion Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) and pro-life state Election Commissioner Suzanne Haik Terrell (R), about abortion.
Landrieu, who will run against Terrell in a Dec. 7 runoff election, captured
46% of the vote in the Nov. 5 election, while Terrell garnered 27%and is
expected to receive a lion's share of another 25 percent of the vote that
went to two other pro-life candidates.
Landrieu said yesterday that she would vote in favor of a ban on
“partial-birth” abortion and she would support legislation requiring parental
consent before transporting a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion.
However, Landrieu supports Roe v. Wade, voted twice to endorse the
pro-abortion Supreme Couret decisuon, and has voted several times against
pro-life provisions to stop various forms of abortions paid for at taxpayer
expense. She also balked at committing to support legislation to classify
unborn children who are victims of violence during an assault on a pregnant
mother as persons under criminal law and hold criminals for the injury or
death to both mother and child.
Although he repeatedly interrupted her, host Tim Russert asked Terrell if she
would support a constitutional amendment banning abortion. Terrell said she
supported such a ban with no exceptions.
“I'm a mother of three. I’m a practicing Catholic. I believe in the sanctity
of life,” Terrell explained.
Meanwhile, pro-life Gov. Mike Foster gave Terrell his long-awaited
endorsement Sunday. Foster said he would travel to Lafayette today and
campaign alongside Vice President Dick Cheney for Terrell.
Foster's backing comes on the heels of endorsements from the two other
Republicans who ran in the U.S. Senate primary on Nov. 5. Both pro-life U.S.
Rep. John Cooksey and pro-life state Rep. Tony Perkins have thrown their
support to Terrell.
(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to www.prolifeinfo.org or email infonet@prolifeinfo.org.)