School Squelches Patriotic Display, Then Reverses Course

by Allie Martin & Jody Brown

Two students at one California school district will now be able to wear patriotic pins to school after officials initially refused to let the students wear the pins because of the district's policy on gang paraphernalia.

School officials told the boys, who are brothers and attend an Anaheim-area school, that they would be suspended if they wore the pins, which consisted of an American flag and the words “God Bless America.” Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute, who was contacted by the boys' grandfather, says school officials quickly told the brothers that they had to remove the pins.

The attorney says his firm sent a demand letter to district officials, informing them they were violating the constitutional rights of students. Dacus says the district quickly reversed its decision and allowed the boys to wear the patriotic pins.

“A lot of it is ignorance of the law,” Dacus explains, “and some of it is a political correctness hypersensitivity against students expressing themselves, particularly when it comes to traditional beliefs and values or belief in God.”

The grandfather indicates he is pleased by the resolution. “I am very grateful for the Pacific Justice Institute and how quickly they resolved this matter,” he says. “Our goal was that my two grandsons not be severely punished for expressing their love of country.”

School officials also promised to inform the entire faculty about the importance of respecting the rights of students to wear patriotic symbols. Dacus says he hopes other districts take notice.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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