With the start of another school year upon us, many families are thinking about saving for college. This morning's Jean Chatzky show featured The Cost of College. If you're young enough that your kids are in diapers (or you don't even have kids yet), lucky you! Planning now will help you ensure that you're ready when the time comes. I have high hopes that my boys, ages 12 and 15, will have the grades and extracurriculars to apply successfully to my Alma Mater, the University of Notre Dame – and that my husband and I will have what it takes to make this dream happen.
Home-work for Today:
- Back to school time is a great time to do a "checkup" on your college savings planning. Here's a helpful calculator tool to help you get started with your planning. If you're sending kids off to college this fall, be sure to get good financial advice on loans and financing.
Reading Room Resources:
Blog posts from this week related to Family Finances