If therefore you wish to draw largely from the fountain of Divine life, go to Mary; ask her to lead you to this fountain; she it is, indeed, more than any other creature, who will bring you near to Jesus. That is why we so justly name her "Mother of Divine Grace”, in that is why the Church applies to her this passage of the Scriptures: "He that shall find me, shall find life, and he shall have salvation from the Lord"(Prov 8:35).
Salvation, the life of our souls, only comes from the Lord Jesus, He alone is the one Mediator; but who more surely than Mary will lead us to Him, who will have more power to render Him propitious to us than His Mother? She has, moreover, received from Jesus Himself a special grace of maternity towards His mystical body. That is the last reason why devotion to the Blessed Virgin is so profitable for our souls. Christ, having received human nature from Mary, has associated His mother, as I have said, with all His mysteries from the offering in the Temple to His immolation on Calvary.
Now, what is the end of all Christ's mysteries? To make of Him the example of all our supernatural life, the ransom for our sanctification and the source of all our holiness; to create for Him an eternal and glorious fellowship of brethren like unto Himself. That is why Mary, like a new Eve, is associated with the new Adam; but, much more truly than Eve, Mary is "the Mother of all the living", the Mother of all who live by the grace of her Son.
This association was not only outward. Christ, being God, being the omnipotent Word created in the soul of His Mother the feelings she was to have towards those who were being born of her and living by His mysteries, He willed to constitute His brethren. The Blessed Virgin, for her part, enlightened by the grace abounding in her, responded to this call of Jesus by a Fiat of entire submission and in union of spirit with her Divine Son. In giving her consent to the Divine proposition of the Incarnation she accepted to enter into the plan of the Redemption in a unique capacity; she accepted, not only to be the Mother of Jesus, but to be associated in all the mission of the Redeemer. To each of these mysteries of Jesus, she had to renew this Fiat full of love until the moment when she was able to say: "All is consummated", after having offered at Calvary, for the world's salvation, this Jesus, this Son, this Body she had formed, his Blood which was her own. At this blessed hour, Mary entered so deeply into that she may truly be called Co-Redemptress.
Like Jesus, she, at this moment, achieved the act of love of bringing us forth on the life of grace. Mother of our Head, according to the thought of St. Augustine, in bearing Him corporally, she became spiritually the Mother of all the members of this Divine Head. And because here below she is thus associated in all the mysteries of our Redemption, Jesus has crowned her not only with glory, but with power. He has placed His Mother at His right hand that she may dispose of the treasures of eternal life by a unique title–that of Mother of God. “The Queen stood at Thy right hand” (Ps.44:10). This is what Christian piety means when it proclaims the Mother of Jesus: Almighty supplication.
Full of confidence , let us then say to her with the Church: “Show thyself a Mother, Mother of Jesus by thy influence with Him, our Mother of mercy towards us. May Christ receive your prayers through thee, this Christ Who, born of thee to bring us life, willed to be thy Son”.
Bl. Dom Columba Marmion: (Christ, the Life of the Soul)