
Dear Catholic Exchange:

What is your basic belief with particular reference to salvation?

Thanking you in advance for your guidance.


Dear Theresa,

Peace in Christ!

Salvation is the decisive act of God in history to fulfill His promises to bless mankind through Abraham (cf. Gen 12:1-3, 17:1-8, 22:15-18). Mankind needed to be saved by God since all suffered from sin and its effects (Catechism no. 388-389, 588, Rom 5:12-14) God is still faithful to His promises even though the people of Abraham were not. God sent forth His only son to prove His own fidelity to His covenant (cf. Rom 3: 36). Jesus’ obedient sacrifice for mankind on the cross makes possible the salvation of all (cf. Catechism no. 600-602).

We receive the effects of Jesus’ saving work by God’s grace. The normal channel in which the saving graces of Jesus are communicated is in the waters of Baptism (cf. Catechism no. 1256-1257, Rom. 6:4). Other sacraments like Holy Communion strengthen us and make it possible for us to live as saved people (Catechism no. 1392). The gift of the saving graces of Jesus gives us a share in Jesus’ own life (Catechism no. 1130-1131). If we die in this condition, we will reign with Jesus over a restored creation for all eternity and see God face to face (cf. Rev 20:4, 22:4). This is the Church’s view of salvation simply stated.

Pete Brown

Information Specialist

Catholics United for the Faith

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Steubenville, OH 43952

800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)

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