S. Patrick’s Hymn Before Tara

by James Clarence Mangan (1803 – 1849)

    (From the Irish)

CHRIST, as a light,

Illumine and guide me!

Christ, as a shield, o’ershadow and cover me!

Christ be under me! Christ be over me!

 Christ be beside me

 On left hand and right!

Christ be before me, behind me, about me!

Christ this day be within and without me!

Christ, the lowly and meek,

 Christ, the All-powerful, be

In the heart of each to whom I speak,

 In the mouth of each who speaks to me!

  In all who draw near me,

  Or see me or hear me!

At Tara to-day, in this awful hour,

 I call on the Holy Trinity!

Glory to Him who reigneth in power,

The God of the Elements, Father, and Son,

And Paraclete Spirit, which Three are the One,

 The ever-existing Divinity!

Salvation dwells with the Lord,

With Christ, the Omnipotent Word.

From generation to generation

Grant us, O Lord, Thy grace and salvation!

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